[Problem] Running Photon Server on VPS

edited February 2013 in Photon Server
I have a windows server 2003 (x86) on VPS, after running the photon server in any version I figured out that just "bin_win32_xp" will run without exception.
While running photon, as I start the LoadBalancing as application the photon just waits a second and then goes off. The firewall is off.

The logs says :

2432: 22:50:30.943 - Service: "Photon Socket Server" starting
2432: 22:50:30.943 - Config File: C:\Photon\deploy\bin_win32_xp\PhotonServer.config
2432: 22:50:30.943 - Will produce at most: 10 crash dumps
2432: 22:50:30.943 - MessageBox: Photon Socket Server -

Usage: PhotonSocketServer.exe Followed by the following command line options.
/help Display this list.
/noMessages Must be first. Do not display status messages.
/install name Installs an instance of the service named 'name'.
/installCounters Installs performance counters for this service.
/remove name Removes the instance of the service named 'name'.
/removeCounters Removes performance counters for this service.
/run name Runs the service as a normal process for debugging.
/stop Request all instances of Photon to shutdown and exit.
/stop1 name Request instance 'name' of Photon shutdown and exit.
/configPath path Use the supplied path to locate the config file.
/config file Use the supplied config file.

Note that /config and /configFile can be used with /install and /run

Note that only /noMessages can be combined with all other command line options.

2432: 22:50:35.880 - Service shutting down: commandline option error. Errorcode: 255
2432: 22:50:35.880 - Service shut down complete
2116: 22:53:51.959 - ---

How can I solve this issue ?
