Server Time Precision

edited February 2013 in Photon Server

Server Time is currently an int (32 bit). This means it will overflow ~50 days after the machine was bootet. Such an overflow could have very strange effects on the game. Wouldn't it be better to use a 64 bit number here? We are already having problems because the number becomes negative after 24 days or so...



  • Tobias
    A 64bit number would be quite some overhead as it's sent a lot. The benefits are too small for that.
    In best case, you use the int to calculate time-deltas, instead of using it absolute. Then an overflow won't hurt you at all. The diff between int.max and int.min is 1, despite overflows:

    [code2=csharp]int old = int.MaxValue;
    int current = int.MinValue;
    int diff = (int)(current - old);[/code2]