lobby server on ios/Android device question

edited February 2013 in Photon Server
The Photon server is written using C #, is is only deployed in windows platform?
Can it be deployed in the Iphone or Android app program?
Because I have to do is use ios or android device as a server, other ios or android device as client to connect to the server.


  • Kaiserludi

    No, the server can't be used on a non-windows platform and mobile devices are not really suited to be used as a full-blown realtime server for thousands of clients.

    Do you mind explaining why you need an iOS or Android device to act as a server?
    Depending on your usecase there could may be other options.
  • The max client number is only four .
    Playing a regional online gaming on their device, use wifi or bluetooth , one machine as a server,
    just like four people mahjongg or play with music games.
  • As Kaiserludi said, it's not possible to host Photon on non-windows platforms / devices.

    If your clients really can't connect to a public Photon instance, you might want to go for a peer-to-peer approach - but we don't support that with Photon. Sorry.