Some Errors related to UnityEngine.RPC

edited July 2013 in DotNet
Hello there,

I'm just getting started. Managed to get a chat log in and my players popping up on screen multiplayer style. Great progress, great product.

The trouble occurred when I switched build targets over to Chrome.
I have 4 errors:
error CS0234: The type or namespace name `RPC' does not exist in the namespace `UnityEngine'. Are you missing an assembly reference?
error CS1502: The best overloaded method match for `System.Reflection.MemberInfo.IsDefined(System.Type, bool)' has some invalid arguments
error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `object' expression to type `System.Type'

These are coming from NetworkingPeer.cs, line 1530.
[code2=csharp]if (myMethods.IsDefined(typeof(UnityEngine.RPC), false))[/code2]

I am working with Unity3d 4.0.0 f7, from the Vikings Plugin.

Thanks so much for any info that may help,


  • Tobias
    Hey Bosaku, cool to read you like Photon so far.

    I will try to experiment a bit with Unity Chrome export today.
    First impression: This seems to be a Unity issue with Chrome export. I doubt I can work around using this reflection code. We can decide who reports this as bug to Unity then.
  • Igavva
    Hi. I have the same error on public Windows Store. what to do?

    (Unity4.2f4 , PUN 1.22)
  • Tobias
    PUN 1.22 is not yet prepared to run in Windows Store or Windows Phone 8 exports.
    Things looked promising for a while but as we use Hashtables (and they are gone in Win 8 RT and Phone), we have some issues with missing classes, etc.
    The RPC attribute you are missing has similar causes: UnityEngine for those 2 new platforms does not include networking AND does not include the RPC attribute.

    We will find workarounds but it takes a few days at least.
    I hope you can test on another platform.
  • Igavva
    In Win Phone 8 published normal.

    With these settings, the problem disappears with Hashtables: ... ip-4kb.png
  • Tobias
    I created a preview package and feedback thread here: