
edited January 2013 in Photon Server
The Dec newsletter mentioned Photon 3.2 upcoming. Is there any news? Curious about new features, if any, for Server and for the Unity/C# client SDKs?


  • Tobias
    Yes, it's still upcoming but close.
    There's a known issue which we're hunting down. It's a sneaky and most of all rare case. We hope it's resolved soon.

    My favorite new feature are interest groups in rooms. They are a first step into basic interest management.
    I'm not too deep into the server topics but some work went into stability, the dashboard and into supporting platforms like JavaScript and AS3 (better).
    Maybe my colleagues can add their favorite topics in another post.
  • Thanks Tobias - you pretty much covered all the "big" topics, there is not much to add.

    We've spent lots of time on WebSockets / JavaScript support (it was already present as an, uhm, "experimental beta stadium" in Photon 3.0, but now it is stable, reliable and actually usable ;) ), we'll release a special version that can be hosted on Azure, and did a large bunch of refactoring, removed deprecated code, fixed several minor bugs and so on, making Photon 3.2 more stable.

    Some client SDKs have already been released in the last days, mainly with bugfixes - check out our blog for details: http://blog.exitgames.com/
  • Kaiserludi
    Some words about versioning:
    By definition an increase of the second number means, that that server version introduces some changes in the client-server protocol and compatibility to clients with a different second number in their version isn't guaranteed. However this isn't practice-relevant for upgrading from 3.0 to 3.2 - all Photon 3.0 client releases for all platforms should be fully compatible to a Photon 3.2 server, so that you don't have to immediately upgrade all clients when upgrading the server and you can run 3.0 clients and 3.2 clients side by side.
    However 3.2 clients can include features that are not fully compatible to a Photon 3.0 server.