Animations are looping for other players.


I'm trying to create basic sit animation for players and i'm using 2 animation bools for that. Here is my code:

private void Update()
        if (!PV.IsMine)

        if (can_sit)
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F) && !is_sitting)
                is_sitting = true;
                transform.position = sit_transform.position;
                transform.rotation = sit_transform.rotation;
                animator.SetBool("Sit", true);
                animator.SetBool("StandUp", false);
            else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F) && is_sitting)
                animator.SetBool("StandUp", true);
                animator.SetBool("Sit", false);
                transform.position = sit_transform.position;
                transform.rotation = sit_transform.rotation;

Here is the video that shows my problem:

As you can see in the video, my player can sit down and stand up but for other players, "Sit" and "StandUp" animations staying true so animations are looping. How can i fix that? I'm also using Photon Animator View and they are sync anims.