PluginFactoryBase Wrong guide

edited June 2023 in Photon Server

Hi everyone I just started to work with Plugins SDK version 5.

and I noticed a wrong guide in it.

based on documentation MyPluginFactory must be like this :

 using Photon.Hive.Plugin;

namespace MyFirstPlugin
    public class MyPluginFactory : PluginFactoryBase
        public override IGamePlugin Create(string pluginName)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

but when I add the code it get me this error:

Abstract inherited member 'IGamePlugin Photon.Hive.Plugin.PluginFactoryBase.CreatePlugin(string)' is not implemented.

I assume it must be like this, please help me if I'm wrong :

using System;
using Photon.Hive.Plugin;

namespace MyFirstPlugin
    public class MyPluginFactory : PluginFactoryBase
        public override IGamePlugin CreatePlugin(string pluginName)
            return new MyFirstPlugin();