Syncing movement like in old PUN?


Hi, I'm quite new to fusion. I have experience with the older PUN and I have yet to grasp fully how fusion works. My question is if the movement of a network object is automatically synced as long as you have a networkobject and network transform component on it?

Or do I need to use the input system inside Networked fixed update?

My character uses rigibody physics for movement and I wonder how that would be implemented.


  • Ninety

    The Network Transform component is in charge of synchronising transform values between clients. However, the server has state authority, meaning it is ultimately in charge of every object in the simulation.

    The input system used by Fusion collects input from every client, routes it through the server, and then applies it to the object using GetInput.

    This means that anything that happens on the client-side (eg local input, like pressing a jump key) will be overriden by the server. That's why the input system is used to share inputs with the server and ensure both sides simulate objects from the same information.

    I suggest reading Fusion 104 for more information.