Running Photon Pun on 2 different Unity Projects


Hey all,

I am trying to build something to Hololens 2 and IOS. I have them set up as 2 different projects in Unity. One for Hololens 2 and one for IOS. I have managed to get them to join the same lobby because I am getting messages that they are joining the room from MonobehaviourPunCallbacks and the Hololenses are syncing objects perfectly.

However, the IOS build doesn't seem to see the synced objects even if it has successfully joined the room. Does anyone have any ideas about why this is happening?

I am using Photon PUN and Unity 2021.3.18f1


  • Tobias

    Make sure both projects have the same prefabs and RPC lists.

    Without any errors from the log or other hints, there is not much we can help with, sorry.