WebGL build crashes



We're creating a project with the Fusion engine and encountered a problem that the game crashes every time it tries to connect to the server (I attached a console log below).

How we initialize the connection:

runner = gameObject.AddComponent<NetworkRunner>();
runner.ProvideInput = true;

runner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs
    GameMode = GameMode.AutoHostOrClient,
    PlayerCount = 2,

We heard there may be problems with the "Host/Client" game mode in WebGL builds, but it also happens if we change it to "Shared"... I should note that everything works fine in desktop builds and in Unity editor (for both game modes). So, could you please help or point us in the direction we should go?

Also, I have one more question and I would like to get an official answer, since I haven't found any information in the documentation... Is the "Client/Host" game mode supported for WebGL builds? In our game we use server prediction (which only works in that mode) for cars, but at the same time we want to upload the game to our website, so any information would be very helpful... 🤔