Fusion is unable to connect when running in the Unity Editor: DllNotFoundException: nanosockets


Hey guys! I'm building a Fusion-based multiplayer game in Unity and for some reason, the connection (runner.start) doesn't work in Unity Editor, it works only when I build a package and run it on a device (Android, PC):

DllNotFoundException: nanosockets assembly:<unknown assembly> type:<unknown type> member:(null)
Fusion.Sockets.NetAddress.CreateFromIpPort (System.String ip, System.UInt16 port) (at Fusion/Fusion.Sockets/NetAddress.cs:145)
Fusion.Sockets.NetAddress.Any (System.UInt16 port) (at Fusion/Fusion.Sockets/NetAddress.cs:116)
Fusion.NetworkRunner.StartGameModeCloud (Fusion.StartGameArgs args) (at Fusion/Fusion.Runtime/Runner/NetworkRunner.Matchmaking.cs:821)

The nanosockets DLL selected for editor and standalone and works just fine when I run as standalone but doesn't work when I run in the editor:

Did I miss something during the configuration?