Correctly migrate the host


Hi, I'm trying to implement host migration, so I put this from the documentation in the INetworkRunnerCallbacks:

public NetworkRunner runnerPrefab;

public async void OnHostMigration(NetworkRunner runner, HostMigrationToken hostMigrationToken)


    await runner.Shutdown(shutdownReason: ShutdownReason.HostMigration);

    var newRunner = Instantiate(runnerPrefab);


    StartGameResult result = await newRunner.StartGame(new StartGameArgs()


      HostMigrationToken = hostMigrationToken, 

      HostMigrationResume = HostMigrationResume, 


    if (result.Ok == false)









  void HostMigrationResume(NetworkRunner runner)


    foreach (var resumeNO in runner.GetResumeSnapshotNetworkObjects())


      if (resumeNO.TryGetBehaviour<NetworkPositionRotation>(out var posRot))


        runner.Spawn(resumeNO, position: posRot.ReadPosition(), rotation: posRot.ReadRotation(), onBeforeSpawned: (_runner, newNO) =>







  public void OnShutdown(NetworkRunner runner, ShutdownReason shutdownReason)


    if (shutdownReason == ShutdownReason.HostMigration)


      // ...




      // Or a normal Shutdown



the INetworkRunnerCallbacks and the Runner share the same game object, and inside the runnerPrefab variable I put another almost identical game object with another INetworkRunnerCallbacks attached.

now the host migration works, however, all network objects in the scene are destroyed, except the players, and I can't figure out what the reason is.

Can you help me?

Thank you.