Physics Blip on Connection?



I have a VR game (mobile processor, Oculus quest 2) with physics based movement. From time to time, right after a user connects, they experience a brief physics blip which causes their character model to move in an unexpected way. Connection begins as we load from the initial landing scene into the multiplayer scene. I've attached an audio cue to indicate when a successful connection occurs and it seems that the scene finishes loading before the connection is established. When it occurs, the bug is simultaneous with the audio cue that indicates successful connect.

I've tried setting the player rigidbody to kinematic and then setting it back after a second via a coroutine in OnSceneLoadDone, but it seems like there might be some caching of physics interactions that still gets applied to the rigidbody after it is set back to non-kinematic?

Is there some other way I should be disabling physics interactions during this period?