Endless World With MmoDemo

edited October 2012 in Photon Server
I'm trying to make endless mmo world with MmoDemo project.

I've look into it for several days and found out what i should implement.

In the project, the instance of each item's InterestArea keep updating interested boundary,
and get actual Regions from grid world.

It looks like this...

But the problem is, the world just end when a player hit the world's edge!!!

For endless mmo world, interestArea must be seperated into several of it.

So I made 8 more boundaries around the grid world and found overlappings and moved it to
the same point with the grid world.

That's it! That's what i all did.

Any better solution about making endless mmo? just let me know...
My works look very wasting...


  • chvetsov
    as i see, the idea is good to implement something like globe.
    implementations can be different. Yes, you can use copy of the world, but i think that is too much.
    For Instance: You could add some extra area to the world and mark Regions in this extra area with some bool.
    then in GridWorld::GetRegionEnumerable replace marked regions with correct one.

    It may happens that you will find better solution when you will have more experience. Just go ahead.
    We will try to help
  • Ohhh, thx, now I'm assured about my theory.

    And I found the better way,

    I just don't need to make 8 copies of the grid world.

    As you say, I'd better make 8 copies of player's Interest area based on player's coordination.

    Thx for help :D!!
  • chvetsov
    I'm not sure that got me correctly. But any way, if you like your idea, go ahead :)