Webhooks pathevent sends a lot of evcode:200


When I only configure the PathEvent webhook, I activate only one custom event by setting (raiseEventOptions.Flags.HttpForward = true), and then I receive a large number of evcode:200 events, why are 200 events sent? How to avoid this situation?

webhook path: PathEvent

webhook body:



  • Tobias

    Maybe you don't use a separate instance of RaiseEventOptions and the flag "leaks" into all the events that the client sends.

    The issue is very likely on the client side.

  • player110

    Thanks for you reply, but EvCode 200 can not be raise by client,the doc description:

    A byte identifying the type of event. You might want to use a code per action or to signal which content can be expected. Allowed: 0..199.

    The code in PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent method:

    if (!InRoom || eventCode >= 200)

    and my raise event code:

    private void SendStatEvent(GamePlayer player, GamePlayer killer)
        var content = new object[] { player.id, (byte)0, player.deaths };
        RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions = new RaiseEventOptions { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All };
        PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EventCodes.StatUpdate, content, raiseEventOptions,
        if (player != killer && killer != null)
            content = new object[] { killer.id, (byte)1, killer.kills };
            if (!killer.bot)
                raiseEventOptions.Flags.HttpForward = true;
            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EventCodes.StatUpdate, content, raiseEventOptions,