Disconnected because InvalidAuthentication



I have question regarding PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings() with PhotonNetwork.AuthValues set to null or new AuthenticationValues(){AuthType=CustomAuthenticationType.None} while using no Authentication in dashboard.

Does it make any different to set value to null or AuthType=CustomAuthenticationType.None when using no Authentication in dashboard? and it seems sometimes causing InvalidAuthentication but not CustomAuthenticationFailed.

current plugin atPUN:2.22; Photon lib:


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    edited November 2022

    Does it make any different to set value to null or AuthType=CustomAuthenticationType.None when using no Authentication in dashboard?


    it seems sometimes causing InvalidAuthentication

    I would need a repro. It should not happen "sometimes" unless you changed the workflow... Update PUN to latest version please.

    Mail us a repro and tell us the AppId for this: developer@photonengine.com

  • Hello:

    It turns out to be not related to PhotonNetwork.AuthValues but the available regions and the region whitelist

    When client connects to a region not in whitelist, isn't it supposed to receive InvalidRegion instead InvalidAuthentication?

  • Tobias

    You are right, InvalidAuthentication is being returned. I would also expect InvalidRegion.

    I'll check if that's by design and if we change it.