How do you make a custom spawn script in the new Photon Fusion


Hello, so in our previous game we had this script for spawning objects when using Pun2:

                public void SpawnPlayer(string PlayerPrefab, int PlayerID)
	            Transform spawnpoint = FindSpawnPoint(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("SpawnPoint"), PlayerID);
	            Vector3 position = spawnpoint == null ? : spawnpoint.transform.position;
	            Quaternion rotation = spawnpoint == null ? Quaternion.identity : spawnpoint.transform.rotation;
	            Debug.Log("Spwaning \"Local" + PlayerPrefab + "\" at position " + position + " and rotation " + rotation.eulerAngles);
	            GameObject player = GameObject.Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load("Local" + PlayerPrefab), position, rotation);
	            PhotonView photonView = player.GetComponent<PhotonView>();

	            if (PhotonNetwork.AllocateViewID(photonView))
	                object[] data = new object[]

	                RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions = new RaiseEventOptions
	                    Receivers = ReceiverGroup.Others,
	                    CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache

	                PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(69, data, raiseEventOptions, SendOptions.SendReliable);
	                Debug.LogError("Failed to allocate a ViewId.");


	        public void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
	            if (photonEvent.Code == 69)
	                object[] data = (object[])photonEvent.CustomData;

	                Debug.Log("Spwaning \"Online" + (string)data[0] + "\" at position " + (Vector3)data[1] + " and rotation " + ((Quaternion)data[2]).eulerAngles);
	                GameObject player = GameObject.Instantiate((GameObject)Resources.Load("Online" + (string)data[0]), (Vector3)data[1], (Quaternion)data[2]);
	                PhotonView photonView = player.GetComponent<PhotonView>();
	                photonView.ViewID = (int)data[3];

Now we decided to use the new Photon Fusion because it is the more supported / stable version, but how can we remake this script in the new version. Most of the functions in Fusion seem to be in DLLs, so we can't really find a way to check how your spawning works and how to make our own

Having spawning like this sped up our workflow quite a bit, so we hope this is possible to do!


  • Forgot to mention that this is an old version of the script I found. So just ignore the "FindSpawnPoint()" function since we never ended up using it and made a better spawnpoint system.