Cannot connect to Photon Cloud with I18N in project

I have created a nice serializer/deserializer that zips and unzips the resulting xml so I can send it compressed in a byte array over the network. I'm now using SharpLibZip for the zipping operations, but this is giving me a "NotSupportedException: CodePage 437 not supported" error in the web client (not in the editor).

After googling a bit this seems a fairly common problem (for example here and here) and the solution is to include the I18N.dll and I18N.West.dll in your project.

But if I add those dll's I can no longer connect to Photon Cloud. The log specifies "Received unknown status code: SecurityExceptionOnConnect" so it seems something with the webplayer security policy fails. What could be the problem (and how to fix it ...)



  • Tobias
    The Unity webplayer does a policy request to the server it should connect to. This is usually covered by our "Policy" Photon app, which just allows the clients to connect.
    This seems to be no longer working when you have that assembly on board.

    I have no clue if this is a problem caused by us or Unity or that additional assembly.
    Take a look at the network traffic with Wireshark. The policy requests are http and get the XML as response.
    If you can't find it, send a repro case by mail.
  • I "solved" this for now by avoiding to use encoding altogether (using gzip), but I still would like to know what could cause this.

    Edit: just saw your reply. If I get around to it I'll dig deeper with Wireshark. For now the todo list is kinda full ;-)
    Thanks for replying.
  • Tobias
    I'm sorry I couldn't do much more without more info.
    In worst case, submit your project also to Unity and file a bug report. I am unsure if the two libraries should interact this way and Unity is doing the security implementation (not Photon or gzip).

    Good you work around it.