Runner.Spawn() vector3 position is double of what the variable is


followed the 101 and 102 tutorial as a framework for the following OnPlayerJoined code


public void OnPlayerJoined(NetworkRunner runner, PlayerRef player)


    Debug.Log("player joined");

    Vector3 spawnPosition = spawnPoint.transform.position;


    NetworkObject networkPlayerObject = runner.Spawn(_playerPrefab, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity, player);

    // Keep track of the player avatars so we can remove it when they disconnect

    _spawnedCharacters.Add(player, networkPlayerObject);



So, spawnPosition returns (500, 5, 500) which is the intended spawning point for the player.

however when actually connecting (Shared mode) the player is spawned at (1000,10,1000). Anyone knows the mistake here?