Building server logic with Mono/MonoDevelop?

edited June 2012 in Photon Server
Being a Mac guy, and working in Unity, I really really really try to keep away from having to sit in MS Windows for longer than necessary (this is not to start a flame war, just my personal preference).

I have no problem running the Photon server on a Windows server box, but is there a way of building my extensions (game business logic) in MonoDevelop on a Mac instead of having to use VS and .Net?

Though Photon seems to be using the latest version of .Net, is it using anything for extensions that can't be done via Mono?

Is anyone actually working this way? If so, do you have any steps you could share?


  • Tobias
    Good to hear you're open to at least run Photon even though it's not OSx compatible.

    We don't test compilation in Mono Develop and never did a performance comparison.
    For the time being, we keep the compatibility with DotNet 3.5, so Lite currently compiles with Mono Develop and runs out of the box.

    Even though it works, there might be a performance penalty when compiled with Mono. This is outside our scope so far, so let us know if you get a chance to compare.
  • Hi seonr,

    Also on mac and working with unity3d pro. Let me know if you find a way to work with photon.

    I am considering booting in windows and setting up server, then back to osx to work... but seems like a very hard workaround.


  • dreamora
    The easier step is using VMWare or Parallels and have it running in parallel. Cause you will want to be able to have both in parallel or I would suspect you will not work productively, potentially not at all depending on the need of debugging and research experimentation. Also you can't test client side implementation this way if you can only run the compiled client along the server, not the uncompiled one and debug it for example

    with monodevelop you are also having another problem: you can't debug the server code basically unless you do it from within the same machine as mono has no remote debugger like VS Pro
  • Sorry this is kind of an old thread; but I just wanted to note that I am building my .dlls with Monodevelop 2.8 [edit: 3.0.2] on Mac OS, and sftp-ing all the .dll to my Windows 2008 Server, and Photon is working great so far. Of course you have to reference the photon .dll from the Photon server SDK, in the monodevelop project.

    Why? because I like monodeveop and it's what I'm used to 8-)
  • Tobias
    Nice, thanks for the heads up. Glad it works.