How to create a new room if the first room is full?


How to create a new room if the first room is full?



  • Isaac_Augusto


    If you use SessionProperties instead of SessionName, it's possible to join rooms that have the same properties and when they're full, a new one is created if you're using GameMode.AutoHostOrJoin.

    You can also react to the ShutdownReason when connecting with GameMode.Client to check if the reason was that the game is full and host a new one.


    Isaac Augusto

    Photon Fusion Team

  • XxMBxX

    Thanks for the reply, I'm currently making a metaverse city using the GameMode.Shared, so should I use the same procedure(detecting ShutdownReason ) and make a new room(session) with a different name from the original room (for example first city: city1, second city: city2)?