ConnectToServer successful, but no CreateServerPeer callback

edited September 2012 in Photon Server
In subserver i connect to master server , the master log as below:

2012-09-20 18:36:44,453 [12] INFO DanDing.Server.MasterServer.IncomingSubServerPeer [(null)] - game server connection from established (id=2)

but , in subserver , no CreateServerPeer callback, CreateServerPeer is not invoked, how can i debug this problem :?:

It's all run in Photon libs , can't set breakPoint and trace this problem :?

thanks very much~


  • qingye5x
    No connect fail replay, no CreateServerPeer call back... -_-
  • BenStahl
    Is there anything in the subservers log when setting the logging level to DEBUG ?
    There should be at least an entry that an init request will be sent because the masters gets the init request.
    The log entry should look like this: OnOutboundConnectionEstablished: sending init request
    Anything after this log entry could help to identify the problem.
  • qingye5x
    Thansk for prompt~!

    I just resolved it.

    There is no "OnOutboundConnectionEstablished: sending init request" , i found when the SubSever connect to MasterServer, i send a registerRequest to MasterServer, like this:

    log.InfoFormat("connection to master at {0}:{1} established (id={2})",
    RemoteIP, RemotePort, ConnectionId);

    So , i think , is the Fiber don't Start? i add a Start invake

    log.InfoFormat("connection to master at {0}:{1} established (id={2})",
    RemoteIP, RemotePort, ConnectionId);

    Then run my two server, and i got a exception:

    2012-09-21 10:13:09,281 [11] ERROR Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase [(null)] - System.Threading.ThreadStateException: Already Started
    在 ExitGames.Concurrency.Fibers.PoolFiber.Start() 位置 c:\Dev\exitgames-libs\src\Core\Concurrency\Fibers\PoolFiber.cs:行号 179
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer..ctor(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer nativePeer, SubServer subServer)
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.SubServer.CreateMasterPeer(InitResponse initResponse)
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.SubServer.CreateServerPeer(InitResponse initResponse, Object state)
    在 Photon.SocketServer.ServerToServer.TemporaryServerPeer.Photon.SocketServer.IManagedPeer.Application_OnReceive(Byte[] data, SendParameters sendParameters, Int32 rtt, Int32 rttVariance, Int32 numFailures) 位置 c:\svncontent\photon-socketserver-sdk_3.0\src\Photon.SocketServer\ServerToServer\TemporaryServerPeer.cs:行号 237
    在 Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase.PhotonHostRuntimeInterfaces.IPhotonApplication.OnReceive(IPhotonPeer photonPeer, Object userData, Byte[] data, MessageReliablity reliability, Byte channelId, Int32 rtt, Int32 rttVariance, Int32 numFailures) 位置 c:\svncontent\photon-socketserver-sdk_3.0\src\Photon.SocketServer\ApplicationBase.cs:行号 835

    Now i can see the stack trace, i found Photon has invaked CreateServerPeer , and fiber already Start.
    Then i invake Register() directly:

    log.InfoFormat("connection to master at {0}:{1} established (id={2})",
    RemoteIP, RemotePort, ConnectionId);

    And got some other exception:

    2012-09-21 10:41:57,687 [12] ERROR Photon.SocketServer.ApplicationBase [(null)] - System.IO.FileNotFoundException: 未能加载文件或程序集“DanDing.Server.MasterServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”或它的某一个依赖项。系统找不到指定的文件。
    文件名:“DanDing.Server.MasterServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null”
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer.Register()
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.OutgoingMasterServerPeer..ctor(IRpcProtocol protocol, IPhotonPeer nativePeer, SubServer subServer)
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.SubServer.CreateMasterPeer(InitResponse initResponse)
    在 DanDing.Server.SubServer.SubServer.CreateServerPeer(InitResponse initResponse, Object state)

    File not found MasterServer.dll, i had forget copy MasterServer.dll to SubServer path :cry: .

    Copy the MasterServer.dll and fix it.

    But it confuse me , why in RequestFiber.Enqueue(Register); there is no exception throw?
    Use enqueue no exception or other problem.