Photon Dashboard question

edited September 2012 in Photon Server
I am trying to get Dashboard running. But it doesn't work for me.

I am using the load balancing server example. I have 2 server box, 1 box with Master, Game1 server and Dashboard running. The other box with Game2 server. I verified that Game2 successfully connect to the Master server.

The Dashboard is listening to 2 udp port 40001 and 40501, and I make sure firewall settings are correct. Master's counterpublisher setting is endpoint="", while Game1 is endpoint="". Game2 setting is endpoint="box1 ip:40001".

However, all I see on Dashboard is Lite Application even though it's not running(I explicitly deleted bin_tool/dashboard/images/my_server_name/Lite already). Inside bin_tool/dashboard/PerfData, I can see files like Game1.LoadLevel.rrd and Master.LoadLevel.rrd, but Game2 is missing. Even though files exist in PerfData folder, I am not able to see it in Dashboard web interface.

Also I notice there are "senders" setting in PhotonDashboard.exe.config, what is it and how do I use it?



  • KevinB
    Just realized that we also need to edit bin_Tools/dashboard/Graphs.xml in order to show those Master and Game1 graphs.

    Also, in order for the dashboard application to receive data from another server box, I have to add dashboard application in the firewall settings.
