Photon game like minecraft


Hello everyone, I have a question, I am creating a minecraft-type game, the block generator is created in the game itself, and I need to synchronize this through the RPC, I tried it, but instead of it doing setactive true for all players, it is called for all players and set locally my code:

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEngine;

using Photon.Pun;

namespace vGenerator


  public class PhotonSerialize : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks


    //private int _vIndex;

    public PhotonView pv; 

    public Chunk chunk;

    public VoxelController vxC;

    // Start is called before the first frame update

    void Start()




    // Update is called once per frame

    void Update()


      if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))


        if (pv.IsMine)


          pv.RPC("Chunky", RpcTarget.All);



      vxC = GameObject.Find("VoxelGenerator(Clone)").GetComponent<VoxelController>();

      //chunk = GameObject.Find("(0, 0, 0)").GetComponent<Chunk>();

      //parent = GameObject.Find("VoxelGenerator(Clone)");

      //parent.transform.parent = child.transform;



    public void Chunky()







and this 2 code

using UnityEngine;

using System;

using Photon.Pun;

using System.Collections;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace vGenerator



  public class VoxelController : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks


    public static Action SetVoxelEvent;

    public int _vIndex;

    public Camera _cam;

    private RaycastHit _hit;

    public Chunk _currentChunk;

    private float _perSecond = 0;

    #region Services

    private IFactoryService _factoryService;

    private IPaintableService _paintableService;

    private IVoxelUtilService _vUtility;

    private GameStateMachine _gameStateMachine;


    internal void Init(

      IVoxelUtilService vUtility,

      Chunk currentChunk,

      GameStateMachine gameStateMachine)


      _vUtility = vUtility;

      _currentChunk = currentChunk;

      _factoryService = ServicesIterator.Container.Single<IFactoryService>();

      _paintableService = ServicesIterator.Container.Single<IPaintableService>();

      _gameStateMachine = gameStateMachine;



    private void Update()



      if (_currentChunk == null)


      if (!_gameStateMachine.GetEqualState<EditingState>())


      Ray ray = GetRay();

      if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out _hit, 100f, 1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Voxel")))


        Vector3 woldPosition = _hit.point - ray.direction * 0.01f;

        _vIndex = GetVoxelIndex(woldPosition);

        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))



          _perSecond = 0;          


        if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))


          _perSecond += Time.deltaTime;

          if (_perSecond >= 0.2f)



            _perSecond = 0;




        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) && _hit.transform.CompareTag("Voxel"))








    public void SetVoxel()






    public void DisableVoxel(Transform t)

      => _currentChunk.DisableVoxel(t);

    public void ChangeFakeVoxelColor()

      => _currentChunk.ChangeFakeVoxelColor();

    private void EnableFakeVoxel()

      => _currentChunk.ShowFakeVoxel(_vIndex, _hit);

    private void DisableFakeVoxel()

      => _currentChunk.DisableFakeVoxel();


    private void ConstantlySetVoxel()


      // int vIndex = GetConstantlyVoxelIndex(worldPosition);




    private int GetVoxelIndex(Vector3 worldPosition)


      Vector3Int chunkPosition = _vUtility.WorldToChunk(worldPosition, _currentChunk._chunkSize);

      Vector3Int gridPosition = _vUtility.WorldToGrid(worldPosition, chunkPosition, _currentChunk._chunkSize);

      return _vUtility.To1DIndex(gridPosition, _currentChunk._chunkSize);



    private Ray GetRay()

      => Camera.main.ViewportPointToRay(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0));




thx to all help