Extending Island MMO demo

edited September 2012 in DotNet
Hello, Im trying to make a simple seamless mmo.
And I've only tried room based game. I need somekinda reference(or an example).

The island demo seems to be it. But when I followed document, I still have some missing monobehaviors on my mmoengine prefab(but mmoengine script is clearly attached).

Want to know how I can handle it.

And I wish I can find script reference of plugins(or dll) those used in Island mmo demo, if there is...
Currently I'm just looking the cord but having hard time to understand...

Thx for helping


  • Tobias
    Without knowing more about your scene setup, I can't really say which scripts are missing.

    About documentation: For MMO, this is (sadly) limited to the code's comments in the demo projects. Making an MMO is a pretty advanced topic, so these demo's skip the simpler tutorials and expect you to know a bit about Photon already.