can't receive operationrequest

edited September 2012 in Photon Server
the client connected to the server and the server created the client peer , and I cached the peer to a list, and in the client the following calling return true:
Peer.OpCustom((byte)operationCode, parameter, sendReliable, channelId)

the client's operationrequest data is:
var data = new Dictionary<byte, object>()
{ (byte)GameCommon.ParameterCode.Username, userName },
{ (byte)GameCommon.ParameterCode.Password, password },

the userName and password are string type.

but the server can't received the client's operationRequest, what's the reason?

not any debugreturn and log info.


  • Sorry for the late response. What do you mean by "can't receive the operationrequest"? peer.OnOperationRequest() is not called on the server peer?

    Do you regularly call peer.Service() on your client to actually send out the data?