Unity3D Own Host Error!

edited August 2012 in DotNet
i'm using photon unity networking plugin. i want to join a room in my game. if connect photon cloud, i can join and play buy if i want to connect my host (VDS), Unity3D's log say's "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.". My Server SDK is updated and my network plugin is updated. what's wrong? maybe a configiration (in my VDS) can be wrong. can anybody help me about this?


  • Have you started the LoadBalancing instance of Photon? You need the LoadBalancing instance, not the Default instance.

    Make sure that PhotonSocketServer.exe is allowed to pass through your firewall. Also make sure that you have set the correct public IP for your Game Server (start Photon Control -> LoadBalancing IP Config -> set an IP under which the client can reach the Game Server).

    If you can't get it to work. please send me server-side logs (as described here: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1913) and a client log.