How to properly use Player scores?


Hello everyone,

I am using the built-in player scores in my game, and they work very nicely for the most part. My only issue is, I want to reset points every time a player leaves the room (since I every run will start from fresh, everyone at 0).

When my game ends, you only have one option which is a button to leave the room, that button calls this coroutine:

IEnumerator LeavingRoom()
        // Set score to zero while leaving
        Debug.Log("setting score 0");
        PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.NickName = "Player Left";

        ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable properties = PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.CustomProperties;
        properties["readyToPlay"] = false;

        while(PhotonNetwork.InRoom) yield return null;


But sometimes this doesn't work? Like I even had this "test" script:

Debug.Log("Score: " + PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.GetScore());
Debug.Log("Score: " + PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.GetScore());
Debug.Log("Score: " + PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer.GetScore());

and it prints out the same old score 3 times in a row (sometimes?). Do I need to do something where I need to "save" the score or something? Or wait a frame to pass?

Thanks in advanced!