How do I create an DataContract with optional parameters?

edited August 2012 in Photon Server
I created a DataContract (former Event) class with this property:
	[DataMember(Code = (byte)ParameterKey.ReplacementPlayerPositioning, IsOptional = true)]
	public byte[] ReplacementPlayerPositioning { get; private set; }	
And this is my method inside the DataContract class to get EventData to send the event to the peers:
      public virtual EventData GetEventData()
            return new EventData((byte) Code,this);
I'm getting an exception when I try to send events without the optional property, i.e., when the property is null:
2012-08-14 18:57:33,867 [13] ERROR FutWeb.Server.Match.MatchPeer [(null)] - System.ArgumentException: Null value: 48 (LineupChangedEvent.ReplacementPlayerPositioning)
   at Photon.SocketServer.Rpc.Reflection.ObjectDataMemberMapper.GetValues[TAttribute](Object source) in c:\build\photon-socketserver-sdk_3.0\src\Photon.SocketServer\Rpc\Reflection\ObjectDataMemberMapper.cs:line 77
   at Photon.SocketServer.EventData.SetParameters(Object dataContract) in c:\build\photon-socketserver-sdk_3.0\src\Photon.SocketServer\EventData.cs:line 178
   at FW.Server.Match.Events.MatchEvent.GetEventData()
   at FW.Server.Match.MatchPeer.State.PublishEvent(MatchEvent matchEvent)
So what's the right way to create this DataContract?


  • Apparently this is a bug, when I do this:
    public virtual EventData GetEventData()
                return new EventData((byte) Code,this.ToDictionary());

    it works!
    So, use the EventData(Byte, Dictionary<Byte, Object>) constructor instead of EventData(Byte, Object) when you have optional parameters.
  • BenStahl
    I cannot reproduce the bug. I have created the follwing test code and evrything works like expected.
    public enum ParameterKey
    	ReplacementPlayerPositioning = 1
    private class LineupChangedEvent : DataContract
    	public byte Code
    		get { return 1;}
    	&#91;DataMember(Code = (byte)ParameterKey.ReplacementPlayerPositioning, IsOptional = true)&#93;
    	public byte&#91;&#93; ReplacementPlayerPositioning { get; private set; }
    	public virtual EventData GetEventData()
    		return new EventData((byte)this.Code, this);
    public void Test()
    	var e = new LineupChangedEvent();
            var evenDate = e.GetEventData(); // no error here 