Selecting Photon cloud servers location

edited October 2012 in Photon Server
Hi. I have read that there are Photon cloud servers in Europe, USA and Asia. How can I select which one to use?
In case I want USA people to use servers in USA, people from Asia to use servers in Asia, and the same for europeans, can I do that?
Can I manually in my game select which server to use? (In case someone from USA wants to play with someone in Europe).



  • dreamora
    I'm not aware of a way to select which one to use, nor am I sure that the US and Asia clouds are online already.
  • Tobias
    Currently, we don't have the webpage and subscriptions ready to support the regions but we have the servers up.

    Yes, you can have players from the US connect to their servers. Same for EU and Asia.
    You will be able to manually select the region to connect to but most likely we also provide an alternative url which does the location based server selection for you.
  • Tobias, thanks for response.
    Tobias wrote:
    Yes, you can have players from the US connect to their servers. Same for EU and Asia.
    You will be able to manually select the region to connect to but most likely we also provide an alternative url which does the location based server selection for you.
    Are there any timeframes on when this is expected to be available?
  • Tobias
    I can't promise a date yet but as it's on the "todo" list close to the top, I'd guess in the next 3 months. It depends on some external factors, unfortunately, too.
    Depending on the title, we could arrange this already. In best case, you can send us some info about the title and your team and we can react to that. We want to enable you do what you want to...
    Mail us:
  • To give an update to this:
    Since last week you are able to select a single region for your application (not available for indie subscriptions though)