How to make Parent Photon View Component(s) accessible and used by Children?


I am trying to make it so my camera is moving properly but when I do all the correct things Unity gives me NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object because it does not have the Photon View Components. To add insult to injury to this problem though is if I add Photon View Components to the Camera, it doesn't give an error and works fine until another player joins, when another player joins it controls the previous user's to join the camera, even if I set it to control the Parent and crap. Please, is there any fix to get the camera working properly? thanks! (edit fixed it)


  • Tobias

    We can not help with an issue like this. We also can't, as we don't know any of the context needed.

    Sorry. You need to debug this and figure out why some variable is not set (null).