Scene Event

edited August 2012 in DotNet
Hi, Together!

Unity3d in the game is being developed as there is a problem.

(1) Scene There are different each other.
(2) Scene information and to process each event to be all different.

Question :
In this case, each individual Scene OnEvent() and OnOperationResponse() function can be managed separately, so I want to make.

Samples or seek advice.

i can't speak english, trans by google.


  • Tobias
    In your OnEvent() do:

    Same for OnOperationResponse().
    Or you can include a scene-id in each of your events. Use a byte or short value for scene-id to keep overhead low.
  • Thanks. Tobias!

    But I Want to..

    Single Scripts of a Scene Event handling that's not all,

    For each Scene OnEvent () (or OnOperationResponse()) Scripts want to exist.

    (Scene1 = Event1 script , Scene2 = Event2 Script .. . . . .)

    sory, i can't speack English :cry:
  • Tobias
    With a scene you load the scene's scripts. The OnEvent can be in a scene's script.
    I don't see the problem.