i have this errors that i have no idea how and i need help


i am new to photon and i have these errors that are saying

Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs(4297,69): error CS0535: 'LobbyCallbacksContainer' does not implement interface member 'ILobbyCallbacks.OnConnectedToMaster()'

Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs(3676,14): error CS0111: Type 'IConnectionCallbacks' already defines a member called 'OnConnectedToMaster' with the same parameter types

Assets\Photon\PhotonRealtime\Code\LoadBalancingClient.cs(4142,79): error CS0535: 'MatchMakingCallbacksContainer' does not implement interface member 'IMatchmakingCallbacks.OnConnectedToMaster()'

idk whats happening


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi @NicksThicc,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    I recommend you do a clean install of PUN2 by removing "Assets\Photon" folder and reimporting latest PUN 2.

    If the issue persists, let us know which Unity version is this.