UpdateCachedRoomList() not working, when created new room.


So I am making a android-game with Unity and PUN2.

1) at first I connect to master via


2) then on "OnConnectedToMaster()", I join the lobby via


3) In the lobby there is a "create-game"-button which on click creates a new room via

PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom("vs_" + GameData.playerName, roomOtions)

4) on "UpdateCachedRoomList()" I update a view with all the open rooms, the player could join.

.. all good so far. Now for testing I have build the game to my android-phone and run it there. simultaniously I have run the game in the unity-editor. It seems to work but something is wrong, btw I don't understand:

When the client1 (phone) creates a room, it appears in my list in the editor. When I now let the client2 (unity-editor) create a room, too .. it does not appear in the list of client1 (phone).

I have to close both apps and re-run them, now my client2 (unity-editor) can create a room which appears on client1(phone). But now it is reverse. When now client1(phone) opens a room, it does not apper in the list of clent2(unity-editor).

It feels like "UpdateCachedRoomList()" is not beeing triggered on a client, that creates a room(?)

What is that? Can please someone guide me through this?