button listener problem


Hello, I have a 1st script:

GameObject.Find("ScreenCanvas/butPas").GetComponent<Button>().onClick.RemoveAllListeners();  GameObject.Find("ScreenCanvas/butPas").GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => {           turnEnd.turnEndS.pl2atk = !turnEnd.turnEndS.pl2atk;       });

So I change bool pl2atk in 2nd script which synchronizing this value with Master using stream: stream.SendNext(pl2atk); e.t.c.

And it works well until I switch off this 1st script - then pl2atk turns to default "false". There was no such error before networking implementation. It even worked well without RemoveAllListeners(). What could it be?

Best Answer

  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    We can not help here. This is too involved with the components of your project.

    Clean up the code, try to come up with a repro and if this is still a question about networking, ask again.


  • Tobias
    Tobias admin
    Answer ✓

    We can not help here. This is too involved with the components of your project.

    Clean up the code, try to come up with a repro and if this is still a question about networking, ask again.

  • Miha4406
    edited September 2021

    Ok, Host creates GameLogic (IsMine: true(Master)) with bool pl2atk; and Client player creates GameLogic (IsMine: false(Master)) with bool pl2atk.

    When Client player presses the button, bool pl2atk in his GameLogic changes, but it's not changes in Host's GameLogic despite it's streamed. Why could it be?


    Oh, ok there shouldn't be two of them in hierarchy, isn't it? My bad.