Setting room CustomProperties seems to cause disconnect/reload of scene


The code below manages sync of room properties between clients i.e. If I change a value that needs to sync (LEVEL_STATE or currentLevelStartTime) I change it, set roomPropertiesDirty = true and it will get updated on the next frame in the call to SetRoomState() in the update loop.

This process has always worked but (I think) since I updated Photon (from 2.22 to 2.34.1), the first (masterclient) connects OK, but when a second player joins the room, they seem to disconnect and rejoin over and over. If I comment out the call to SetRoomState() this doesn't happen.

I can't see what else would cause this in my code - have there been any recent changes that I should look into that could break this?

    private void SetRoomState()
        if (roomPropertiesDirty)
            ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable properties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();

            properties.Add("LEVEL_STATE", LEVEL_STATE.ToString());
            properties.Add("currentLevelStartTime", currentLevelStartTime.ToString());
            photonView.RPC("GetRoomState", RpcTarget.Others);
            roomPropertiesDirty = false;

    public void GetRoomState()
        LEVEL_STATE = (CASTLE_LEVEL_STATE)Enum.Parse(typeof(CASTLE_LEVEL_STATE), PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["LEVEL_STATE"].ToString());
        currentLevelStartTime = Convert.ToDouble(PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.CustomProperties["currentLevelStartTime"]);
        roomPropertiesDirty = false;

    void Update()
        if (something)
                LEVEL_STATE = newState;
                roomPropertiesDirty = true;


  • I tried similar code in a level which doesn't currently use properties and has worked fine (multiple players can join, etc.).
    I added the code above with just one random property name (so that it has no effect on anything else) and I even tried removing the GetRoomState RPC call to other clients. It looks like the call to "PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(properties);" is enough to cause the level to reload. I'd really appreciate any pointers on what to look for here. Thanks!
  • If I use JoinRandomRoom to connect to a room that was created with RoomOptions, like this...:
                var o = new RoomOptions();
                o.IsVisible = true;
                o.IsOpen = true;
                o.PublishUserId = true;
                o.CustomRoomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable
                    {"SceneName, "myscene"}
                o.CustomRoomPropertiesForLobby = new string[] { "SceneName" }

    ...does the use of "PhotonNetwork.CurrentRoom.SetCustomProperties(properties)" to add new properties to the room somehow invalidate players already in the room and have them kicked out?
  • NotQuiteSmith
    edited August 2021
    This previous bug/discussion may not be directly related - but it hints perhaps that there is some background processing happening, inside Photon, that links the setting of room properties with the loading of scene data.

    Could anyone from Photon please help me understand what could be wrong? I understand the problem could be MY code but as far as I can see, it's the single call to SetCustomProperties that triggers this - none of my code runs between SetCustomProperties and whatever code causes my scene to get destroyed/reloaded!
  • ANLevant
    edited March 2022

    Having the same issue. Still no one answers

  • Tobias

    Describe your issue, what you do and the issue.

    We can't help when you just hijack an old topic, which is certainly about a different version of PUN 2.

    There is a doc about what we need to help.