Channel question

edited July 2012 in Photon Server
The says about channels
In Photon, channels are used to split up communication into several sequences of operations and events. In a single channel, all operations and events are in order.
OK that makes sense, so I defined
public enum ChannelId : byte 
Then in my SendParameters, I can just specify the channel Id!

Q) I noticed the CHM documentation for Photon says about SendParameters:
Gets or sets the channel id for the udp protocol.
Does that mean to imply that it's ignored for the TCP protocol? If so, why? [edit: is this an example of how photon has more control over UDP clients than TCP clients? that makes sense I think]

Q) I noticed that Channel<T> is used a lot in the Mmo Demo server example, particularly for interest areas. Is this Channel concept different from the SendParameters channel Id? It seems that it's unrelated, but the member/class naming is enough to confuse me.



  • Tobias
    Channel is sadly a term that's very common, so we ended up with two sorts of channels: The channel for our protocol and the Channels of RetLang which can be used to pass messages between independent objects.

    Channels in our protocol are mainly for UDP, yes. Here we have more control, do the ordering and unreliable commands can even be discarded for being outdated. TCP is a single stream of commands (bytes, really) and as the data arrives anyways and in order, we just send the channels around for the case TCP clients are talking to UDP ones.

    Channel<T> is only used server side and does not have to do with "our" channels.
  • OK cool- thanks.