CustomRoomProperties preventing clients from switching scenes

Video showing my current problem

Hello, I've been programing a multiplayer puzzle game using PUN 2 and recently I've attempted to use the custom room properties to be able to sync all the pieces positions at specific moments (start of the game, joining midgame, placing a piece down, ext...). I have however run into a problem in regards to the changing of the scene using PhotonNetwork.automaticallySyncScene. For some reason when I add the code for the master client to write the starting positions of the puzzle pieces (disassembled state) the other clients dont load the scene.

In the video I show that player 2 is waiting for the master client to load the level it gets an error of trying to go offline without loading the level, I think that for some reason the scene gets reloaded and my script, the lobby network manager, sets offline mode to true on start.

If player 2 joins the room while the master client is in the other scene normally the other client will load the correct scene that the master is on, however when I add the code for custom properties it again does not load the scene, yet the scene does not restart like previously and ownership of the photon view is transferred to the master

any insight would be greatly appreciated