Network destroy Instantiated : Player before ReconnectAndRejoin


I am using latest pun2 plugin for my Game.

I want when network got disconnected then reconnect with some reason or when i am switching wifi to mobile data then my player reconnect and rejoin the same game.

and for this i am using PhotonNetwork.ReconnectAndRejoin() in my 'GamePlay' Scene and it helps me to rejoin the same room but before rejoin my player got destroy.

i am having this debug in console:
Network destroy Instantiated Go: Player

Because of this my game functionalities are not working properly.
i don't want my player got disconnected before reconnectAndRejoin.

i am using these line of code in 'MenuScene' where i am creating room, so that player leaves for 60000ms in room.
RoomOptions roomOps = new RoomOptions() { IsVisible = true, IsOpen = true, MaxPlayers = (byte)roomSize };

roomOps.PlayerTtl = 60000;
roomOps.EmptyRoomTtl = 60000;
But doesn't work for me.

can anyone please share the sample code for the same?
