Teleport System is overlapping

-Create Teleport System without players overlapping positions

Is my system over engineered? Can someone point me to a tutorial/article/sample of how to make something that achieves this.

Hi everyone, I posted before but with limited success.
I am creating a teleport system in a VR app.
I need users to be able to teleport between 2 locations

Teleport A and Teleport B without overlap

Each teleport has its respective position, 1,2,3 etc

I have created a hashtable for the respective Zones and Positions

Zone_0_Position_0, I use a -1 to indicate it is free, and use the Photon.Localplayer.ActorNumber to indicate when its occupied by a user.

I do a CAS check to determine if their is a position available, if it fails, I don't teleport the player.

I am having issues when I free the slot the player has just teleported from, as this then needs to be updated via the Room Properties.

There are edge cases/it is possible for players to overlap when spamming the system. Sorry I don't have any available code right now as its on my work pc but I can do my best to explain things if anything isn't clear.

Once again, happy to drop the whole system for something easier/simpler so please feel free to suggest
