Additive Scene Loading - is it possible for me to implement?

Hi guys! I'm about to work on how scenes are loaded/unloaded as the player traverses the map in my game - it is similar to the SNES Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past where it's overhead view with interconnected rooms (can see it here in case it matters:

I was hoping to set up additive loading on scenes, so that the player could seamlessly enter a new area (which would have been loaded additively as they approached the new area), and then unloading the old scene as the player moved further into the new scene.

I looked on the forums here and found this post ( where at the bottom @JohnTube said that additive loading would need to be done manually with PUN.

Is this something that is in the realm of possibility for me to do? Like is it as simple as handling the Photon ID #'s to make sure that they are all unique? Or is it much more complicated than that? I would be happy to put the effort into making it work, if it is achievable. I don't mind reading some heavy documentation or anything like that, if someone could point me in the right direction.

Thanks for any help!! BTW, I am @Jamez0r on the Discord server if it is more handy to message me there :) I will relay any pertinent info to this post if anything is discussed outside of these forums.