Question about an error:NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I'm trying to create objects using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate
public void Createcardpref(Card card, Transform hand)
GameObject cardGO = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(, new Vector3(1600, -200), Quaternion.identity);

CardController cardC = cardGO.GetComponent<CardController>();
cardC.Init(card, hand == PlayerHand);
but when I try to call gameobject in CardController cardC = cardGO.GetComponent<CardController>(), it gets a null. Script attached to the gameobject in the inspector, usuall instantiate works normally. I do not understand what mistake I've done, so asking for help. Thanks for your responses


  • Your approach works imo. The only thing is that if those two info (card, hand == PlayerHand) have to be broadcast to all, those info can be send along with PhotonNetwork.Instantiate().