Error " PhotonView with ID 1001 has no (non-static) method" when calling RPC

I'm trying to call an RPC on a GameObject which has one script and a PhotonView


When I fire the RPC I get the following error:
PhotonView with ID 1001 has no (non-static) method "RotateJointHorizontally" that takes 5 argument(s): String, Single, Int32, Int32, Int32

However looks like everything is well defined in the inspector and my code

private PhotonView _photonView;

void Start () {
            _photonView = this.GetComponent<PhotonView>();

 public void RotateJointHorizontally (string jointName, float angle, int direction, float minAngle, float maxAngle) {
//.... Logic

private void DetectInput () {
// _photonView.TransferOwnership (PhotonNetwork.LocalPlayer);
_photonView.RPC ("RotateJointHorizontally", RpcTarget.All,, jointRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 1, -180, 180);

I have tried:
- with and without the transfer of ownership
- With "Fixed" or "Takeover" on the PhotonView component

but it doesn't work, same error. Not sure what I'm missing.


  • EnigmaSystems
    edited December 2020
    I found the error a few minutes after posting this question. A stupid one, but maybe the same could happen to somebody so I leave the answer.
    The RPC was obtained from converting a local function that was working. I could pass the angles as integers although the parameters were float (there was an automatic conversion). When passing the same parameters to the RPC the types were mismatching.

    This means I had to adapt the call:
    _photonView.RPC ("RotateJointHorizontally", RpcTarget.All,, (float) jointRotationSpeed * Time.deltaTime, 1, -180.0f, 180.0f);