Exception while debugging!

edited June 2012 in DotNet
I am working on Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, on Windows 7 x64. I am experiencing with an connection issue while debugging the project.
Also some complaints came from players as we have implemented our chat system so far in Photon, about this disconnection issue.
The problem is:
When I am putting a debug point, anywhere in the project, after read the datum, Photon Peer state changes itself into exception and disconnects from the server.
I am when players encounters into an second of internet connection issue, they got the same exception and disconnects from the server? And DebugReturn method does not show any issue.
What should I do in order to prevent this from being happening?


  • Tobias
    The connection depends on messages going into each direction between client and server. When you debug-break execution, the server will not receive those messages anymore and timeout that client. There is no workaround for this issue at the moment, as debugging most likely pauses all threads and the client can't keep connection.

    For your customers: There are a lot of possible reasons. Make sure your client calls Service() regularly and that it isn't overwhelmed by a lot of traffic.