Photon + Steam friends

Hello, does Photon support inviting friends to a Photom room? I looked around and couldn't find much. At most I found that you can use SteamFreinds.InviteUserToGame with a room name included as the second parameter, but when the user launches the game, steam sends a warning that they're launching the game with command line parameters.

Any saviour know how handle this?


  • wjurica
    I second this question.

    Does Photon have a recommended way of handling Steam Friends Invites/Join Game?

    I haven't been able to find information on this. Thanks
  • Tobias
    In the end, for Photon, you only need every invited player to be able to enter a specific room by name (in a specific region with the same appid and game version, etc)...

    We don't really check out how Steam works in detail. While we know that there are options to invite your friends to games, we don't know how their API works exactly.

    You should be able to find this information in the Steam support community (my guess).