Recording indicator light remains always ON once the app goes background on iOS 14

edited October 2020 in Photon Voice
I am facing issue with recording indicator light which is newly intreduced security feature on iOS 14. The yellow light should go ON and OFF based on the recording status.

I am set recording flag of the voice connection to TRUE when the user Joins the room and setting it to FALSE when the user leaves the room.

In a normal case this works fine. But I am getting issue when the user puts the app on background and comes back to the game again. When the app is back ground this indicator goes OFF as the user is leaving the room. When the user comes back reconnects to the room and the recording starts again this light gets ON. Later it will be ON through out the game even if the user leaves the room and only goes OFF when the user quits the game

Not sure it needs be handled in different way. Anybody has come across such issue ?. Is there a fix for this ?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @anil_uk,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    Not sure how this flag works.
    Do you mean you manually and explicitly change the recording light yourself via code?
    I would expect the system to handle it automatically when the microphone is being used.

    Try setting Recorder.StopRecordingWhenPaused to true.
    Or manually stop recording inside OnApplicationPause(true).
  • anil_uk
    JohnTube wrote: »
    Do you mean you manually and explicitly change the recording light yourself via code?

    yes, I am setting it manually via VoiceConnectionObject.PrimaryRecorder.IsRecording = false;

    I am setting it to false on OnApplicationPause, but it didn't' work
    JohnTube wrote: »
    Try setting Recorder.StopRecordingWhenPaused to true.

    ok, this one I will check