Synchronising multiple object's values in OnPhotonSerializeView?

I've got a kind of redstone circuit setup, and i'd like to synchronise this by sending the values of all the power sources, and their ID so I can find and set them on the other end. I'm doing this by doing a foreach loop, checking if it's a source, and then sending over its ID and its power level. For some reason this isn't working, any help on how I should do this?
public void OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info)
        if (stream.isWriting)

            if (active)
                foreach(PoweredBlock block in poweredParts)
                    if(block.isSource && block.dynamic)
                        Vector2 blockInfo = new Vector2(block.blockID, block.currentPower);
        if (stream.isReading)
            active = (bool)stream.ReceiveNext();

                foreach (PoweredBlock block in poweredParts)
                    Vector2 blockInfo = (Vector2)stream.ReceiveNext();
                    if (block.blockID == blockInfo.x)
                        block.currentPower = blockInfo.y;


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  • emotitron
    At a glace you have an if statement on your write side that will create asymmetry with the read side. You have a write inside of your if block, and the read outside of the if block.
  • ah, yes i'll fix that. Is a foreach statement allowed when sending data? Or does that mean it might break