PUN tutorial: Value = Health ERROR

Just finished the tutorial from photonengine.com, but my game is throwing an error when PlayerUI calls:
            if (playerHealthSlider != null)
                playerHealthSlider.value = target.health;

After debugging, the specific issue is a missing reference to target.health.

Furthermore, the plot thickens; Sometimes when I reset Unity, I will get another error, " Failed to load My Robot Kyle, make sure it's in a Recources folder". (But IT IS in a resource folder).

Resetting Unity fixes this, but then I'm back to the: "missing reference to target.health" error.

If it helps,
I'm using PUN 2.22 and Unity 2020.1.2f1

Any insight helps, thanks!


  • MikeTeavee
    edited September 2020
    SOLVED: I had a single "=" instead of a "==" in my If-statement!

    This was the typo:
    if (_target = null)
                    Debug.LogError("<Color=Red><a>Missing</a></Color> target for Player UI ");