Synchronize Game Object Transform data for new player who just joined?

Hello everyone,
I have a little problem with the synchronization of a players position if he doesn't move for the new player who just joined the room.
If the player doesn't move or rotate, his position and rotation is not being synchronized with a new player who just joined the room. It stays like this until the player moves, then he suddenly appears and that looks extremely weird and it's not the desired effect.
I know I could change the Observe option in the Photon View component, but I don't really want that because it increases the traffic. Unreliable on Change works very well for me but the only problem with this is when a new player joins the room and a player stands still.
My question: Is there a way to synchronize the players position and rotation just once (for the new player) if he doesn't move? I could pass a Vector3 and a float (since the player just rotates on one axis) in an RPC and send that to the new player when he joins, but is there a better way?

Thank you already in advance