My bool keeps resetting to false

Hi, I'm new to photon and I'm trying to understand how it all works.

So i have this bool HasTheBall which keeps resetting to false.
I have a script for detecting when i'm touching the ball to "collect" it.

private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
if (collision.collider.tag == "GameBall")
ball = collision.collider.gameObject;
photonView.RPC("Destroy", RpcTarget.All);
collected.BallCollected(); //here i'm calling the shooting script to set the bool HasTheBall to true


this is where i set the bool to true

public void BallCollected()
HasTheBall = true;
Debug.LogError("HasTheBall= " + HasTheBall);

but literally on the next update the bool becomes false.

I notice this happens only if there are 2+ ppl on the server, the first one to connect to the server works perfectly fine, then if another person join it doesn't work.
I think it's a master problem but idk how to resolve it.